Learning Resources

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Discover materials and tools that you can use to help build awareness and empowerment.  Browse through our learning videos and practices, you can use these every deay!


Giving Voice to Youth: Developing Leaders

Andrea talks about cultivating connection and impact through learning and emotional literacy.

Whole Body Learning Webinar

Cultivating connection and impact through learning and emotional literacy.

Anxiety In Kids In A “Do More” Culture

Observing how we engage with coping can help those we love cope better.

Awareness of words: are we hurting or helping each other?

Words create actions and open or close possibilities. This video brings light to awareness so there’s choice in how we impact our kids, loved ones, friends. It’s about orienting toward a future that serves, rather than suffers.

Lead Yourself Youth Workshop

 This video demonstrates that learning and experience are individual and how to give voice to learning and being in new conversations together. Examples of our tendency to figure things out on our own vs the power of building teams and asking for help and alignment.


Tips & Practices

Body, Emotion and Story Awareness Reminders

When you want to learn something new, to get better at something, is a matter of practice. When we are not competent at something, it just means we need more practice.

When learning a new practice, the key is allowing yourself time to be a beginner. Being a dignified beginner gives you the space to make mistakes knowing, it is a matter of practice. It is ok to be frustrated and anxious, you now know that you don’t have to allow that to take over. You now have choice in how you respond. By becoming aware of it and how it shows up as energy, you can acknowledge it instead of trying to “outhink” it.

In your life you may be told by others that you are good or bad or right or wrong. You don’t have to accept that as truth. If you are told you are not doing well in a particular subject at school, with some care, time and practice, you can learn. Bring awareness to the emotion that is showing up. If you are closed down, frustrated, not seeing possibilities, learning will become difficult. But you can learn anything just like anybody else, even if it seems to take time, we all have different ways of learning, but we all share the possibility of learning.

Learning and Leadership Quick Tips

Did you know?:

Awareness creates choice.

Energy follows attention. If you place your attention on your right foot, you bring energy to your foot. Imagine what’s possible if we put our attention toward possibilities! (hint: more possibilities!)

When we say “I don’t know”, it opens us up to new possibilities to learning. If we already know we can’t learn because we are shutting down new possibilities.

When we don’t know something or how to do something, it doesn’t mean that we aren’t good at it, it just means that we need more practice.

Learning and practice happen in the body. Studies in medicine, psychology and neuroscience continue to show that the entirety of our body is involved in the learning process, not just our brain.

The body learns fast! “based on martial arts and adult learning studies…it takes 300 repetitions for a new practice to become comfortable…3000 repetitions for a new practice to become embodied” (Listening to Bodies: A Somatic Primer, Suzanne Zeman, p. 38). Oftentimes, we give up because we become frustrated. This emotions closes down possibility. Skill development is not about talent, as much as it is about putting in the time it takes to practice – 300 iterations 3000, etc. It is about time and effort. Being self-compassionate when learning new skills or concepts is key, people often give up if they don’t “get something” fast enough. Give it time and practice and you will get it. If you need help, ask. (Share cross arm exercise with a family member and friend!)

We are always in an emotion. Even if we feel calm. Emotions influence how we take action and how we engage in conversations. Becoming aware of our emotions gives us more choice in the types of conversations we are in. When we aren’t aware, we are reacting.


Tips for self-regulating emotions show up that close possibilities (frustration, resignation, impatience, fear, anxiety, etc):

Anxiety, joy, fear, sadness, anger and all emotions have a physical feeling in our body. Emotions are energy. When we are allow the energy to inform us, we have choice in how we respond. Most of us attempt to stop certain emotions from taking over, when we try to push emotions that we deem “negative” down, they tend to increase. The good news? When we become aware of the different energy and places in our body, our emotions arise, we can tune into what it is the emotion is trying to inform us.*


When discomfort arises:

  • Be with it in curiosity
  • What is that like to be with the discomfort?
  • What is this emotion and the energy attached to it informing you of?
  • Bring attention to breath.
  • Continue to breathe.
  • Write it out, Take a rest or a break if your body needs it.
  • Seek help if you are stuck (have a conversation with someone you trust)


*Oftentimes, when we are sad, it means there is something not being tended to. This gives us choice to ask for what it is we need. When we are angry, it may be because we feel we are not being listened to. When we are able to acknowledge how emotions and energy is informing us, we can have different conversations rather than reacting and feeling overcome with emotions. Lead Yourself Youth has programming to help with the practice of getting connected.


Becoming a leader and a learner are ongoing practices.

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